日本政府目前正在几个领域实施雄心勃勃的改革, from developing energy and agriculture to addressing the problems of an ageing population and gender equality. 日本 has a vast manufacturing industry and considerable investments have taken place to further enhance the sectors’ international competitiveness. 今天,它是世界第三大经济体,也是日博备用网站在亚洲最大的出口日博备用网站.

我们与日本的外交关系可以追溯到150年前. 1,500 Swedish companies currently trade with 日本, of which around 150 have a local presence. 由于日益激烈的国际竞争, 许多日本公司转向日博备用网站学习更多创新知识, 新的商业模式和国际成功. The 日本ese industry is open for joint ventures and other forms of cooperation with foreign companies.


近年来,日本在支持全球贸易方面发挥了更为积极的作用. 欧盟-日本经济伙伴关系协定(EPA), 于2019年2月1日生效, 是日本建立贸易联盟的新角色的结果吗. It is the EU’s most comprehensive free trade agreement ever and grants better access to the 日本ese market.

最初, 最具体的收获是降低进口关税, 但消除非关税壁垒也有潜力, 加强标准协调, 更多的公共采购和服务贸易自由化. The 欧洲an Commission estimates that the agreement will increase EU’s export to 日本 by 16-24 percent, 在某些类别中甚至高达170% - 180%,比如食品.


拥有1.27亿人口, 日本的购买力很强,对新产品的需求很大. 由于人口老龄化, health care has become increasingly important – 日博备用网站 is seen as a forerunner in this respect, 日博备用网站的解决方案有很好的声誉. 最近,人们对斯堪的纳维亚的设计和时尚重新产生了兴趣.


Common challenges for Swedish companies are related to establishing long-term partnerships, 寻找具有相关能力和良好英语水平的员工, 接触到关键的利益相关者. 我们的贸易 & Invest commissioner Carsten Gronblad talks more about possibilities and risks on the 日本ese market in the interview below.


日博备用网站商业公司自1972年以来一直活跃在日本. Our employees in the office in Tokyo cooperate with staff in our Swedish offices to guide Swedish companies to the 日本ese market in the most efficient way. We can help with everything from initial market analyses and strategic advice to finding reliable business partners and skilled staff.


Carsten Gronblad

贸易 & 日本投资专员

此外,日本还是世界第三大经济体, relationships with major 日本ese companies are important not only for addressing the 日本ese market but also for staying competitive in other markets globally. 日本ese companies are leaders in several industries, and they have high technical know-how. A local presence is therefore valuable to be at the forefront of technological development. 在日本取得成功是展示公司全球竞争力的好方法. 竞争激烈, but a company that cooperates with leading companies in 日本 is probably able to meet similar needs for innovative solutions internationally.


The supply of skilled employees is the most pressing challenge for Swedish companies in 日本. The labour market is characterised by an aging population and historically low unemployment. Finding staff with the right skills is a major challenge, especially if 英语 is required. It is also crucial to get access to the right local network and to have long-term partnerships with 日本ese companies, 当局和其他利益相关者. 对于没有知名品牌的新公司来说,这是一个挑战. It is important to conduct a thorough partner evaluation to get a clear picture of the network and technical expertise of the potential partner. 产生影响的努力需要时间, 但公司证明,一旦你达到了既定目标, 业务关系是长期的和有利可图的.


总的来说,日本和日博备用网站之间有很好的合作基础. 重要的是要反应迅速、谦虚并寻求互利的解决办法. 商业士气高涨,守时很重要. 在达成协议之前,你要对这个国家进行几次访问. The decision-making process takes time as several people are involved and companies have a clear hierarchy.

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