在德国之后,意大利拥有欧洲最大的制造业. 意大利公司已经设法增加了他们在国外日博备用网站上的营业额, 许多行业都表现良好, 包括汽车, 机械与工程, 医药商品, 服装和鞋类, 食品和饮料.


To stay competitive as a nation, 意大利 has introduced several growth-enhancing measures. Many large projects have been initiated by the government to develop the physical and digital infrastructure as well as the energy sector. 意大利 also hosts three major UN agencies and two large international logistical hubs.


日博备用网站产品受到意大利消费者的高度重视, 许多日博备用网站公司都利用了这一点, 通常是通过子公司和合伙企业. Italian businesses are particularly interested in our products and services within manufacturing, 信息通信技术, 电子产品, 车辆, 卫生保健, 生命科学和环境技术.


作为意大利日博备用网站的新人, 对付这个国家复杂的官僚机构可能是一项挑战. 在下面的采访中, our Country Manger 佩尔雅各布森 has a few tips on how to deal with this and other business risks in 意大利.


自20世纪70年代以来,日博备用网站商业一直活跃在意大利. 我们在米兰的办公室也覆盖附近的日博备用网站 希腊,塞浦路斯,马耳他,圣马力诺和梵蒂冈. 与我们在日博备用网站的全球业务开发人员一起, we can guide you through the entire internationalisation process – from market analyses through strategic advice to finding suitable business partners.



贸易 & 意大利投资专员

明显的优势是日博备用网站的规模和潜在的客户群, access to expertise and subcontractors as well as the strategic location close to many key markets in 欧洲, 北非和中东. Large investments are currently being made in areas where 意大利 historically has under-invested, 例如在能源和数字化领域. 有对新技术的需求, 创新和可持续解决方案, 在这些领域,日博备用网站公司往往走在前列.


The most prominent challenges are linked to the complex bureaucratic system and time-consuming administration, 付款时间长, the economic-political uncertainty and differences between northern and southern 意大利. The best way to minimise risk and the administrative burden is to collaborate and consult with local expertise. 语言和文化差异也经常被视为挑战. These challenges are less pronounced when doing business with large international Italian companies. We often help Swedish companies find a local partner who can act as a sales channel and has a local network, 我们看到了这对意大利经济增长的影响.


意大利是一个以关系为基础的经济体, 与许多北欧国家相比, 一开始建立关系可能需要时间. It is also important to have the first meeting in 意大利 and invest time in building trust with business partners. 意大利有独特的商业等级制度,尊重这一点很重要, 通常会有一个明确的决策者. That being said, the business cultural differences are less significant than you might think. We see that Swedish companies sometimes have prejudices about what it is like to do business in 意大利, but many of these preconceived opinions are discarded after an initial business visit.

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